Release MITRADEL – Labour Inspections

Comunicado MITRADEL - Inspecciones Laborales

Enable lines for consultations on Labour Inspections

To give follow-ups and consultations relevant to the procedures associated with the labour inspectorate, the Ministry of Labour and Workforce Development (Mitradel), enabled two phone lines are temporary as a measure to preserve the health care to the pandemic spread of COVID-19.

The mobile numbers to receive their notifications via WhatsApp are 6860-5167 and the 6860-6623.

Within the alternatives implemented to avoid crowds also may request inspections of working through our website on the following link to Request Inspection in this you will find a form where you have to provide the data, followed is given a number that must be written down.

The five requirements for your application by means of the services icon will be:

  1. place the trade name of the company,
  2. provide the exact address of the company and references of its location,
  3. phone of the company,
  4. you must describe the objectives to investigate and
  5. detailing your full name and card number.
