Alliance Britton & Iglesias with Qanlex

Britton & Churches established alliance with the signing of the funding of litigation and arbitration Qanlex to offer the innovative Finance service of legal proceedings and arbitrations
alianza con la firma de financiación de litigios y arbitrajes Qanlex

Britton & Churches established alliance with the signing of the funding of litigation and arbitration Qanlex to offer the innovative Finance service of legal proceedings and arbitrations

  • This innovative tool allows a third party or third party funder fund a process of total or in part to ensuring greater access to justice
  • Unlike a credit with any financial institution, the risk in case of loss of the process assumes the third party funder
  • This partnership promotes that people can have with the legal backing of renowned law firms in the area of judicial proceedings and arbitrations in Panama

The well-known law firm panamanian Britton & Iglesias, has managed to reach a framework agreement with the financing fund litigation international Qanlex, to expand the portfolio of specialised services in the area of judicial proceedings and arbitrations both local and international.

 In many cases, accelerate a process can be expensive if you take into account that involves the payment of attorneys ' fees, fees of expert witnesses, arbitrators, and other costs of representation.

 This alliance, which is important to note that does not involve exclusivity for any of the firms, promotes the new practice of funding of litigation by a third party known in the british market as Third Party Funding (TPF), whose purpose is to extend its benefits to those who want to access to justice and, on occasion, can not or do not want to risk their own resources.

 The system of financing by Third parties (Third Party Funding) is that a third party outside the process undertakes to provide all or part of the economic costs of one of the parties involved, with the aim of obtaining a favorable decision or an agreement, and, with this, an economic interest on the amount recovered by the funded.

The intrinsic value of this practice is that the party beneficiaries do not have to directly assume the cost or the risks involved in a judicial proceeding or an arbitration.  

 Aware that it is a service that remains in growth and global expansion, Britton & Iglesias and Qanlex decided to combine their knowledge and experience in the area of litigation and arbitration in order to offer the figure of the TPF their current and potential customers, with the benefit of reducing their financial risks and provide guarantees of accompaniment with the certainty of being represented by a law firm that is experienced.

 The signature Britton & Iglesias has a wide experience in the handling of litigation and alternative methods of dispute resolution such as mediation, negotiation and resolution of disputes, arbitrations, local and international, backed by a group of professionals with proven track record.

 Likewise, Qanlex is a recognized fund financing operations to the local and international level, which has extensive presence in Latin america and continental Europe.

 For more information, you can visit the web pages of the signatures Britton & Iglesias – BRIG in and Qanlex in