Advocates of public procurement in Panama

We offer legal counsel to structure proposals, tenders of construction and development contracts with the State in Panama

Compliance with the guarantees required by the State.

abogado para permiso de construccion panama

Provide the appropriate information according to the statement of objections.

Advice on hiring lawyers from more than 20 years of experience

Advocates of public procurement, answering queries and general counsel

There are many legal implications that have to do with the process of public procurement in Panama. Mostly, they are led by the General Directorate of Public Procurement (DGCP), and as a company, you must comply with all the requirements and laws that establish this entity.

In response, Brig offers its corporate customers a personalized service and effective advice favourable concerning the procurement collective. We structure our management from the initial evaluation of their contracts and activities until the final adjudication of the project.

We care about to appropriately manage the public procurement in your business and we will inform you about the whole process.

In a nutshell, our law firm of public procurement guides you through any of the bidding process, and takes care to address it following regulations that promote transparency, fairness and competitiveness.

Contact us for a personalized advice.

especialista en contratos públicos Brig

Our services as advocates of public procurement in Panama

Benefits to hire us as your attorneys public procurement

Experience and specialized knowledge

Each attorney for public procurement of Brig is specialized in the handling of the legislation, regulation and procedures policies contractual public place.

Minimizes legal risks

We face the aspects of the project with professionalism and transparency, optimizing the execution of the project, the financial aspects and compliance work.

Optimization of resources and efficiency

At the time of hiring a consultant in public procurement of our firm, you can count on strategies for the optimization of resources, which will reduce costs.

Effective defense in any situation

Our law firm of public procurement in Panama provides defence of legal disputes, contract negotiations and representation before judicial or administrative tribunals.

Are you aware of the latest updates and reforms in the public procurement act in Panama and how they can affect your business?

The public procurement law in Panama in charge of establishing the stringent requirements in terms of transparency, competition and efficiency in the processes.

They are not permanent law, but which are the object of reforms to improve its application and scope within the working situations for what they are complex in their operation, and variability.

But this is not a problem for our specialists in public procurement in Panama, as we stand ready with updates and reforms of law.

We will prepare the tender documentation, the active participation, the strategy in the bidding processes based on the current law.

In addition, we make an assessment of legal risk and the defense of their interests in relation to any court of public procurement in Panama.

We are the attorneys of contracts and tenders that you need to resolve the legal issues that alienate to your company's success. Contact us and we will give you practical help.

Frequently asked questions

The public procurement law Panama is described as the legal framework which regulates how the government entities purchasing services, goods and works. 

In Panama, the public procurement system involves actively participate and subject to public bidding processes, complying with legal and technical requirements.

This involves a high level of legal details. That is why it is best to get legal advice and specialist attorneys of a public bid, as we that will be effective and ethical public procurement in Panama.

Public procurement in Panama employs several types according to the needs of each project or acquisition, such as public procurement, direct recruitment, and public auctions.

So that, each type of public procurement has its own public concessions to ensure transparency and efficiency in the resources.

A lawyer can assist in the review of procedures for the award and in the presentation of review or appeal before the General Directorate of Public Procurement.
During the execution of the contract, we monitor the performance of the contractual obligations and advises in the case of any modification, extension, or termination in advance of the contract.

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