How to get permanent residency in Panama?

Obtain permanent residency in Panama is a complicated process that requires good knowledge of the procedure. Below, we explain all the details to get the permanent residence, and a few tips very effective to facilitate the process.
Cómo obtener residencia permanente en Panamá

According to the statistics updated the National immigration Service, 5.753 people have requested the permanent residence permit in Panama in 2024. The resulting condition of these applications is that 5.572 permissions were granted and 181 of them, denied.

Why were denied those 181 requests?

Therefore, the success of the application for permission to live indefinitely in the country much depends on the correct presentation of the requirements, in addition to a proper choice of the legal reasons for which to perform the legal process. 

In this article, you'll find an optical full legal about what it is and how to obtain permanent residence in Panama. We will explain in detail how you can submit your application permanent residency in Panama, step-by-step, how long it takes for the process, and more. Let's start.

What is permanent residency in Panama?

Is a permit or license that givesutorización to a foreign person to live and work indefinitely within Panama. The card permanent resident works as a green card with a validity of ten years. 

After expiry of this period that begins with the date of issue, the residence will be renewed automatically if there are extenuating circumstances.

The only reasons for a person to lose their permanent resident status are that you have been out of Panama for two years or more, who surrendered voluntarily to the residence, or that you test your crime.

Benefits of permanent residence in Panama: what do you need?

Among the major benefits that you should consider when you ask yourself how to apply for permanent residency in Panama, you will find the acquired right to reside, to apply for jobs and make investments in the country indefinitely. 

Also, we present the following advantages:

  • Accessibility to schools with quality education in Panama.
  • Access to medical services designed for local and naturalized.
  • Discounts on certain internal services, especially for retirees.
  • Tax advantages to make investments.
  • Possibility of sponsoring a foreign for you to apply for your resident visa in Panama.
  • Possibility to travel, to enter and leave Panama without the need to apply for permits or visas.
  • Access to perform the procedure of naturalization in the 5 years following the granting of residence.
  • Obtaining a driving license and its renewal every 4 years.
  • After naturalization, you can get the panamanian passport in the next 5 years.
  • Possibility to pursue careers that require a license, such as medicine, law and other related.

Valid reasons to be a permanent resident in Panama

Any resident alien who has applied for a visa can be within the country for up to two years. After that, you can apply for a work permit to permanent resident in Panama, or the requirements for permanent residency in Panama, according to your specific case.

In the beginning, there are valid reasons that allow you to apply for a work permit in Panama for permanent residents. Below, we break down:

Related to the economic motivation

  • Is investor for reforestation in Panama.
  • Is macro investor.
  • Has own economic solvency, which is shown through a minimum investment.
  • Hired under clause 10% 
  • Technical welcomed in the condition of 15%.
  • Officer or employee of multinational companies that he has fulfilled the two-year membership.
  • It is a qualified investor with solvency own or work in real estate.
  • It is considered as a professional in your area after more than two years of exercise in the country. 

Special policies:

  • Is a retired independent.
  • It has been retired and is a pensioner.
  • You have permission to work in Panama Pacifico.
  • It is the investor in the areas of processing exporter.
  • Is an investor in audiovisual and cinema.

Family reunion

  • He is married to a panamanian.
  • Is dependent of a permanent resident in Panama or panamanian.
  • You are a parent of a baby or child born in Panama.

Special reasons

  • Is a citizen of any of the 50 friendly countries of Panama, which have been enacted by the government of the nation.
  • Stay in Panama for more than two years that asks for the regularization (according to the decree 235).
  • Is welcomed under the figure of the convention Panama-Italy.

Requirements for permanent residence in Panama

Before you specify the requirements for permanent residency in Panama, it is necessary to emphasize that, depending on the conditions or reasons that you have to apply for permission, these may vary.

In some cases, we will request additional documentation proving the reasons for your request. However, in all cases, you'll need to have:

  • A temporary visa valid and in force.
  • Application solemn issued to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Panama.
  • Evidentiary Material that possesses the necessary funds to stay solvent in the economy.
  • Evidentiary Material that has no legal precedent, legal process, ongoing, or is under criminal investigation in any other country.
  • Personal references and evidentiary material that you make use of the morals and customs, so that is not involved in illegal activities within the republic of Panama.
  • Certificate of good conduct issued to the applicant's name by the local police or the competent foreign authority.
  • ID of your nation, passport and other documentation to prove their identity.
  • Documents substantiating the reason why you want to stay in Panama, including letters of work, evidence of investment certificates, marriage certificates, etc

How to get permanent residency in Panama? Follow the step-by-step

Once that you have the requirements ready, we will proceed to make the application of the residence through the following steps:

  1. Presentation to the National immigration Service, where you'll take your picture, and you will be allocated a number of procedure.
  2. Formalization of the request which will present the requirements and you will know if it has been accepted.
  3. Assignment of the card migration that has a validity of 6 months and for that you must appear in front of the SNM to take your photo. This will allow you to travel within the republic of Panama.
  4. Execution of documents, at this point it performs the formal handover of the complete documentation for the application for permanent residence.

In this process, it is also possible to arrange special visas if the applicant requires breaking out of Panama.

Once the process is complete, you will receive a notification that will allow you to apply for a card, And - and it will change its card processing for one resident. After this you can make your card work to a permanent resident in Panama. 

How long does it take?

The term regulate the processing is six months following the formalization of the documents. 

If this is not completed in that period, for any reason, the body of competent jurisdiction may to extend the term for up to three months more.

Do you need legal counsel to apply for your permanent residence?

At Brig, we have excellent lawyers migration specialists that will answer all your questions about how to be a permanent resident in Panama.

In addition, we will help you gather the necessary documentation for your application to be approved.

Request information about our service of immigration and naturalization in Panamaand we will get in contact with you.