How do I become a naturalized citizen in Panama?

Do you want to know what are the requirements and the process to become a naturalized citizen in Panama? In this post, we tell you all the details related to this legal process. Don't miss it, if you want to be a panamanian more.
ciudadano naturalizado en Panamá

When you have spent more than five years since a foreign national has received his permanent residence permit, you can make an application to become naturalized citizen. 

This is a declaration of willingness to do in front of the bodies, that indicates that wants to become a naturalized citizen or naturalized. So, who can apply for panamanian citizenship and how is it done?

Today we want to share with you the model of application for naturalization panamanian. 

But more than that, we will give you a step-by-step in order to become a naturalized citizen, the cost, how long it will take and other details you need to know for your process flow in the correct way.

What is a naturalized citizen?

Is a person who was not born in Panama, but has acquired the citizenship through a naturalization process. The people who can go through a process of naturalization are:

  • Foreign older of age with permanent residence or who have resided five years in a row without interruptions within Panama.
  • Aliens with three years of residence in Panama that have been married, have children, a spouse, a mother or father of panamanian.
  • Born in Spain or in any other Latin american country referred to by the consulate.

In addition, it is understood that a naturalized citizen account with a condition different policy to the citizens or born in Panama. However, to acquire all of the duties and social rights such as education, public health and economic freedoms.

All of this is effective as addressed in the article 10 that is typified in the Constitution of the Republic of Panama. 

What is the difference between citizenship and nationality?

There are clear differences between the concept of a naturalized citizen or nationalized that are important to know in the legal field. The developed below:

ObjectiveStatus that grants a person the rights and duties to the State.To obtain a new nationality. Change the nationality of origin.Identify an individual as a member of a State.
RequirementsThere are No requirements associated with the citizenship.Legal residence for more than five years, mastery of the language, moral integrity.Depending on the case, may or may not require a formal request with tests.
How acquiredComes with the birth within the country.Introduction of a formal resource in front of the SNM.By birth, naturalization, marriage, or other legal mechanisms.
RightsPolitical rights such as the vote and be a candidate in the elections.The right to public health, jobs and investment. Acquisition of all the national rights.Right to protection by the diplomatic or host the laws of the country

Benefits of panamanian nationality

Apart from having a new card as a naturalized citizen of Panama, the benefits of naturalization include:

  • The right to participate in elections, to vote and to submit candidacy for public office.
  • Permission for the free exercise of all kinds of professions.
  • Obtaining a panamanian passport.
  • No longer will be a part of the percentage of foreigners allowed to work in companies in panama. You can request any position as a naturalized citizen.
  • Possibility of exercising retail trade.
  • Access to social security and medical benefits of the panamanians.

Types of naturalization in Panama

It is necessary that you make an application against the Migration of Panama to enjoy the benefits of being a naturalized citizen. This is only possible if you declare any of the following conditions:

  • Naturalization ordinary: applies to applicants who have a work visa, investor or permanent residents of Panama. You must have the means of subsistence, to be integrated into the panamanian society and demonstrate that dominates the Spanish language to be a naturalized citizen.
  • Naturalization by marriage: applies to those who have been married to a citizen's natural Panama. To apply for panamanian citizenship by marriage, the conjugal union must be valid and must have at least three years of living in the country.
  • Naturalization by children panamanians: applies to applicants who have had children within the panamanian territory. You must prove the relationship with the child and that it complies with the responsibilities of fatherhood, in addition to three years of residence.
  • Naturalization by relevant services: applies to those who have rendered outstanding services in the field of sport, cultural, scientific, among others. The panamanian State must recognize and the applicant must demonstrate a link with the country.

Requirements to apply for naturalization Panama

  • Power drafted by an attorney that includes all the data of the applicant as:
    • Name.
    • Full address.
    • Sex and marital status.
    • Nationality of origin.
    • Number of card permanent resident.
    • Passport number.
    • Phone numbers.
    • Name and nationality of their parents.
    • Express renunciation of previous nationality.
    • Free will be eligible for the panamanian nationality.
  • Request written by a lawyer with expertise must include:
    • Complete information of the lawyer as names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail, a copy of the summons and fitness.
    • The annex of evidence and the application.
    • The foundation of the right in which is expressed under what condition of article 10 of the Constitution makes the request.
  • Certificate of status current against Migration.
  • Copy of the card, permanent residence or identity card E-.
  • Sworn statement that you are waiving any other nationality, and would like to switch to the panamanian. Must be registered with tax stamps (B8.00)
  • Accreditation of its optimal state of health.
  • Criminal records.
  • Material evidence of their economic solvency within the country, which can be a declaration of income, proof of work or letter from the bank.
  • Peace and saved, that it is a certificate that is registered with the DGI.
  • Copy of the entire passport authenticated by the consulate.
  • Passport size photographs with formal attire.
  • Form of naturalization interview.

Depending on the type of naturalization that you request, it is possible that Migration prompted add supporting documents as marriage certificates, certificate of paternity or letters of recommendation.

Why is it required of foreigners who wish to naturalize in Panama Spanish language proficiency?

The national language in Panama is Spanish. Therefore, this requirement is established to ensure the integration of naturalized in the life, social, economic, political and cultural of the country.

Master the Spanish language in Panama is essential to have access to the labour market, public services, have a civic and political participation. In addition to creating a sense of belonging and national identity in any naturalized citizen.

Why should I renounce other citizenships?

The main reason is that it is an inescapable requirement referred to in the Constitution of the Republic of Panama, which means that you waive any link to any civil or political with other nations. Not can apply to become a naturalized citizen if you do not comply with that requirement.

How do I apply for naturalization in Panama?

Once you have met the requirements, and you are sure that applies to any of the types of naturalization, follow the following steps in order to be naturalized citizen:

  1. Delivery of documents required in Migration.
  2. Interview with the applicant 2 days after the delivery of documents.
  3. Request for approval to the Establishment of Security Migration.
  4. Obtaining the go-ahead to approve the continuation of the process.
  5. Sending the records to the Electoral Tribunal, to the test.
  6. Sending files for analysis, processing and sending to the signing of the Minister of safety and Security.
  7. Is sent for the approval and signature of the dossier by the President.
  8. Preparation of the notes to the Governor, The Electoral Tribunal and Address of Passports.
  9. Completion of the process of naturalization:
    1. The swearing-in ceremony in front of the Governorate.
    2. Instruction in the Electoral Tribunal.
    3. Culmination in the Direction of the Passport.

All the naturalization process takes more or less a year. However, in some cases it may take up to five years to be approved, so you should be very patient. 

What are the costs of naturalization in Panama?

May vary, if you subscribe to a service for attorneys and costs of the process to become a naturalized citizen by naturalization. Are some that may or may not apply to your case:

  • Certification of documents for the requirements, which corresponds to USD 8 stamps for each:
    • Sworn statement.
    • Certification of status of migration.
  • Authentication of additional documents, which corresponds to USD 3 rings for each one:
    • Certificate of marriage.
    • Birth certificate of the spouse.
    • Birth certificate of children in panama.
  • Authentication of the charter of nature by 10 USD.
  • Registration of the Charter of Nature in the Electoral Tribunal for 100 USD.
  • Fee to obtain the card as panamanian naturalized by 65 USD.

In terms of the cost of the fees of a lawyer to do immigration procedures, are between 5,000 and 8,000 USD. But this varies according to the implications of your specific case. 

Do you need legal help to be nationalized in Panama?

Our lawyers are experts in immigration law in Panama are willing to help you throughout the process to become a naturalized citizen.

Count with Brig for advice and to carry out all its nationalization with success. Ask for information about the service of immigration and naturalization in Panama to start today on your path to the panamanian nationality.