National arbitration, where Do We go?

Eric Britton was a member of the panel referred to as: “National Arbitration where Do we go?, that was part of the Update Seminar in Domestic and International Arbitration
Arbitraje Nacional, ¿Hacia dónde Vamos

Eric Britton was a member of the panel referred to as: “National Arbitration where Do we go?, that was part of the Update Seminar in Domestic and International Arbitration, which was conducted as part of the activities celebrating the twenty-five years of the Center of Conciliation and Arbitration of Panama (CECAP), the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama.

Our partner is referred to the “Orality, New Technologies and the Use of International Standards”. The panel was moderated by Dr. Eloy Alfaro De Alba, and as panelists accompanied the Judge Hernán Of a Lion and the attorney Katherine Aparicio.