How to choose a good attorney in Panama?

In this post we will give you 5 tips for choosing a lawyer in Panama correctly. We will explain the signals that reflect that a lawyer is professional and deserves your trust, and how to identify a bad lawyer. The key 3 is one of the most important.
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Only half of the lawyers who obtained the suitability received approval from the seminar at the Higher Institute of the Judiciary of Panama. This seminar is usually to test the basic knowledge of law professionals and is a good indicator to the choose lawyer.

This exponent is evidence of the failure of the education of certain legal professionals, as well as the need to differentiate between a good attorney from a bad one.

The purpose is that, when choosing a lawyer, you hire the best professional to defend your case and provide you a service tailored to your requirements and with favorable results for you.

In this opportunity, we will teach you how to select the best lawyer is not based only on their certificationsbut a comprehensive profile as a professional.

What is needed to be a lawyer in Panama?

In the beginning, the right is a career college that is studied in Panama. Therefore, there are certain requirements that a person must meet to be considered in the legal field and practice as a lawyer within the Republic. These are:

  • University education: every lawyer must have a bachelor's degree in Law or law and Social Sciences in a university recognised by the regulator in Panama.
  • Internships supervised: every professional needs to perform a period of professional practice just after obtaining his bachelor degree in Law.
  • Suitability: this is a test that surrenders in front of the Supreme Court of Justice in Panama, and evaluates the legal skills of the lawyer.
  • The swearing-in ceremony in front of the Supreme Court: to approve the suitability, the attorney should be sworn in at a formal ceremony in the jurisdiction.
  • Registration in the public register: each attorney must submit their bachelor's degree and other documents to register as a licensed professional in front of the public record.
  • Affiliation to the National College of Lawyers: in Panama, it is recommended to be included among the members of the guild that offers professional business resources, training, and contacts.

5 key aspects to choosing a lawyer in Panama

While these are the government's requirements to be considered as a professional lawyer in Panama, they do not define if it is a good or bad lawyer. 

That's why, when it comes to finding a lawyer, you should look for between the personal characteristics that differentiate a professional dedicated to their interests and legal objectives, a bad lawyer. 

Notice these features when choosing a lawyer in Panama:

1. He studied at a recognized university

The professional profile of the leading universities is very high. The lawyer, a graduate of an institution as prestigious has a seal of quality, especially on the part of the educational unit that precedes it.

In this sense, the vocational training is very important for a good lawyer. For this reason, you should look for a lawyer who has completed their studies at a good university recognized by your program into Law as the UP, USMA, ULATINA, UTP and IPU.

In addition, best lawyers continue their studies at prestigious universities at national and international level. For what they do postgraduate, masters and even doctoral degrees in recognized institutions at the global level. 

2. Form part of a firm's prestigious

Another seal of quality was important to the time of choosing a lawyer is to look at the institution in which he works. The best lawyers are associated with professionals of the same category, and they usually form part of law firms that reflect the experience of their services. 

Belonging to a firm, means that you have the support of a great family of lawyers professional quality that also will accompany you on your case.

Through the global vision of a firm of prestigious lawyers, be able to take an approach that is more full of their legal needs when choosing lawyer ideal to address your case. 

3. Has a good track record of successful cases

The easiest way to differentiate between a good lawyer from a bad one is to look at the results of their cases. If you have had success in cases intricate, or has exercised a representation successful on multiple occasions, and has a track record of proven successes, then it is a good lawyer.

4. Account with a specialization in branches of the law applied to your need

We already know that the Law is a very broad and complex for all of your applications. Therefore, when choosing a lawyer, you should make sure that it is a professional specializes to handle your type of case.

This is because the specializations offer a more specific approach of the laws and how they apply to the needs of each party. When choosing lawyer will get a significant advantage in the defense of their interests and approach of your legal situation specific.

5. Has the resources and the team to defend your case

When choosing a lawyer, you must make sure that you have the resources and contacts necessary to give you an approach to perfect and get a holistic approach to your case.

Some cases can be more complicated and require the cohesion of a multidisciplinary team working for your best interests. A good lawyer will ensure that you have all these resources at hand to provide a complete representation, and that addresses all aspects of your case.

Make No mistake when choosing an attorney in Panama

Now that you know choosing a lawyer, we are sure that you choose a qualified professional and empathetic that will help you to resolve your case or legal problem without drawbacks.

In our law firm in Panama you will have the possibility of hiring legal experts with the commitment and the ability to help you in arbitrations, migration processes, litigation, divorce and much more. We have a good lawyer for each one of your legal needs. Contact us.