Humberto Enrique Iglesias M.


Humberto Enrique Iglesias M., Socio

Contact details


Professional profile

Throughout his professional career, he has advised a number of banking institutions and national and international companies in a wide range of legal operations, such as contractual issues, structuring of credit, real estate transactions, purchase and sale of businesses, organization of heritage, the structuring of Trusts, Private Foundations and Corporations, among others.  

Similarly, he has advised major international entities in the establishment of its operations in Panama, including immigration issues.

Prior to founding Britton & Iglesias (BRIG) in 2015, he was a partner for ten years of one of the firms most recognized of the square, contributing largely to its development since its foundation.

He is a member of the National College of Lawyers and of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama. Within their prominent publications is her master's thesis “Panama vs Big Tobacco: Application of the Forum Non Conveniens Doctrine”. He is a graduate of the faculty of Law of the ULACIT (Panama, 1997) and a master's degree in Corporate Law from the University of Notre Dame (E. E. U. U., 1998).